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VictoryShares THB Mid Cap ETF


  • Focused, high-conviction portfolio of approximately 30 holdings primarily in the consumer, healthcare, industrials and information technology sectors
  • Patient, long-term investment horizon of 3-7 years
  • Bottom-up, time-tested investment process to identify companies believed to have the ability to grow their businesses via internally generated cash flows 
  • Exposure to what THB believes are high-quality, profitable businesses with strong operating histories and low levels of net debt
  • A diverse, seasoned team committed to innovation, diversity of thought and continuity of THB’s 35+ year investment philosophy 

About MDCP
The VictoryShares THB Mid Cap ETF offers a focused, high-conviction portfolio of approximately 30 stocks, typically comprised of high-quality businesses that can prudently grow shareholder equity over time. 


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Top 10 Holdings

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