
Founded in 1982, THB Asset Management manages niche equity strategies and employs a flexible, innovative approach to investing. We understand the markets in which we invest and how to translate raw data into opportunities others may overlook. Our team has successfully analyzed, traded and invested in the smallest and most inefficient companies for decades, elevating our collective intelligence in the space and continually enhancing our processes. Our investment ideas emerge from the inherent inefficiencies of the markets in which we invest and our ability to quickly analyze them.
Experience: Over 40 years of investing and trading in niche equity markets. Our accomplished team of investment professionals constantly strives to find what we believe are the best investment ideas to deliver results for our clients.
Advantage: With a time-tested investment process and alignment with our clients through our equity ownership and investments in the strategies we manage, we pride ourselves on our entrepreneurial culture and commitment to innovation and improvement.
Focus: We maintain a disciplined, market-tested investment philosophy and an active investment approach to create exposure to the U.S. micro -. small-, and mid-cap, and international and global small-cap asset classes.
Franchise Snapshot:
Chief Investment Officer
Christopher Cuesta is Chief Investment Officer of THB Asset Management. In this role, he maintains overall responsibility for the investment team. He is a portfolio manager on the firm’s Mid Cap, Small Cap, International Opportunities and US Micro Cap strategies. THB Asset Management was acquired by Victory Capital in March 2021 and is a Victory Capital Investment Franchise.
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