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VictoryShares Hedged Equity Income ETF

Why HEJD? 

  • Equity market participation that seeks to minimize downside risk during market declines.
  • Designed to offer income without exposure to bonds.
  • Potential for enhanced portfolio diversification given modest correlation to traditional asset classes.
  • Shorts equity futures to provide a more consistent hedge than options-based approaches.
  • A cost-effective,* liquid, alternative investment.


*Source: FUSE Research peer group comparison of 25 ETFs with derivative overlays that seek risk mitigation.


The inception date of this ETF is 7/11/2024. Data will populate as it becomes available. 

About HEJD

  • Invests in U.S. dividend-paying stocks while shorting highly correlated equity index futures, in an effort to offset market risk providing a consistent hedge that is adjusted with market movements.
  • Seeks equity market participation with risk mitigation designed to reduce volatility and downside capture relative to traditional long-only strategies.
  • Offers diversification by providing modest correlation to the U.S. equity market and low correlation to fixed income.
  • Seeks income in addition to its main objective of providing capital appreciation.
  • A highly systematic, transparent and liquid alternative investment with active oversight.

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Top 10 Holdings

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