The RS Global team seeks to exploit global equity market inefficiencies by combining the best traits of quantitative and fundamental investing.
Efficiently screen a broad universe. Our proprietary quantitative analysis allows us to look across the global universe to identify attractive stocks for further research.
Focus fundamental research on identifying quality companies at the right price. Our multi-faceted fundamental research process leverages inputs from various sources and includes an analysis of sector-specific drivers on individual companies.
Apply robust risk management. We employ two layers of monitoring – at the portfolio and market level – to highlight broad risk exposures, while our strict sell discipline helps ensure prompt response to valuation changes, rank deterioration, and other red flags.
Chief Investment Officer
U-Wen Kok is Chief Investment Officer of the RS Global team and portfolio manager of the Victory RS Global Fund and Victory RS International Fund and has over 30 years of investment experience. RS Investments was acquired by Victory Capital in July 2016 and is a Victory Capital investment franchise.
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